Because you can start using a dating web site with a free trial you have the opportunity to join more than one. Most singles only join one internet dating service just to try it out, and that's all they end up doing. To make it work you need to experiment different approaches on different services. When you find something that works you can then use that on all your accounts.
Your profile is where you can start experimenting first. This is going to be what causes the initial attraction between you and a prospective date. The first must on your profile is a photo. You'll get you up to 20 times more emails in your inbox when you have a photo on your profile.
90% of singles give up online dating after 3 months because they don't get contacted, and that's because they're not showing anyone what they look like. A profile that doesn't possess a photo will usually create suspicion.
With a few different accounts at various dating sites you can post a different photo of yourself on each one. This will give you a good idea of what photo works best for you. All you need to do is use photos that show you clearly and one that is up to date. If you meet someone offline for a real date and you don't look anything like what they've seen in your photo it will probably be your last date with them.
When you join more than one dating service you can see which one is the most popular and has the most active singles using it in your area. Your choice of dates will be much higher once you have found the service with the most singles in your area so your chances of meeting someone for a date will massively improve.
Just by using these tips will put you at an advantage over the thousands of gay singles that are your competition. With internet dating gaining popularity all the time the more you have in your favor the better chance you'll meet someone to have fun with, and spend a lot of time with.
Sourc: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/get-the-most-out-of-your-gay-online-dating-service-497704.html#ixzz1IAJR2TLO